
Vandrestaven er en nomadisk og kunstnerdrevet platform for offentlig kunst. Platformen manifesterer sig som en vandrestav der bruges til at markere placeringen eller begyndelsen på en kunstoplevelse. 

Vandrestaven is a nomadic and artist-driven platform for public art. The platform manifests itself as a walking stick used to mark the location or beginning of an art experience.

14 Vandrestaven take-over at Ovenpå

In February and March 2024, Vandrestaven took over the premises of Ovenpå and Arnestedet at Vesterbro, Copenhagen. Together, we hosted a collective residency for all those involved in developing projects that would later become Vandrestaven events. By hosting open workshops, test exhibitions, and events, we explored our various projects and got to know each other's artistic practices.

01.02.2024- 31.03.2024

Ovenpå and Arnestedet
Copenhagen (DK)


Vesterbro bibliotek og kulturhus.


13 Mørkevandring: PARA - Sarah Sikorie

The exhibition PARA consists of a series of sculptures, including ones in snow, and a performance. The sculptures explore pre-Christian goddesses, such as Skade, Gjalp, and Hel, and how they represent something different from the gender roles we see today. The performance showcases kulning or kulokk, a vocal technique that, since the Middle Ages, has been used by shepherdesses in their work, especially with cows and goats.


Mørkevandring 4.
Gaustad Grueve, Oslo(NO)
XP98+5R Oslo




12 Aglais Urticae: Du ser ikkje ut som deg sjølv (You don’t look like yourself) 
- Eli Mai Huang Nesse 
Aglais urticae is a long-term book project involving several authors, artists, and species. The book or poetry collection orbits the lifecycle of the butterfly Aglais urticae on which the book is materially dependent.

When a butterfly is just hatched from its chrysalis it secretes one red drop, called meconium. Every year I harvest a few of these drops for this project. These meconium drops are then turned into ink for poems to be written with. Each year a new artist or poet will be chosen to create a poem or text-based piece with the ink made in the current year.
The poetry collection will conclude in 2030. 

Next Sunday the finished poem from 2023 will be buried at the same place the caterpillars were found; Hauketo, Oslo. The author Eli Mai Huang Nesse will read up from her poem Du ser ikkje ut som deg sjølv (You don’t look like yourself) before we bury it. By this act, we end this year-cycle by fertilizing the soil for the next.


Aglais Urticae 1.

Hauketo, Oslo(NO) RRX3+RVP Oslo


Organizing/ curation:

11 Att älska en plats - Vandrestaven konstfestival

Att älska en plats - Vandrestaven konstfestival is a pilot project aiming to establish a long term cultural exchange between the rural area of Lysvik (SE) and contemporary art scenes in larger cities. 

In 2023, the project comprised a brief residency for two invited artists and a one-day festival during which the resident artists exhibited alongside local artists. 


Lysvik, Värmland(SE)

Residing artsists: 

other artsists:


Support: Nordisk Kulturfond

10 Mørkevandring: Lek er ikke en luksus

Play is often seen as an superfluous and childish activity, even though it is when we relate to the world in a playful and creative way, that we get new ideas and solutions to conflicts in our lives. Both if you are a child or an adult. It is when we play we are learning what works for us and what doesn´t. In other words, it is by playing we get acquainted with ourselves and our surroundings. 
In this moment of time many describe the world as being too big and complicated. It is too many details and they don´t fit in the boxes we used to put things in to see coherence. The boxes are overflowing and cannot hold the new situation anymore, so maybe the right thing to do now, is to loosen up and spend some time playing, move things around and build something yourself?

Mørkevandring 3.
Gaustad Grueve, Oslo(NO)
XP98+5R Oslo


09 Vise til de søvnløse og andre trætte sjæle - Amalie Vestergaard Olsen 

Maridalen is today a protected area, but once this area layed ground to many proto- industrial companies like the charcoal kilns. In these kilns the coal workers (or kulsvierne) worked and produced charcoal for the ironworks in the area. At many places around Maridalen the forest floor still contains hidden traces of the now 400 years old charcoal kilns. 
Through installation and performance the exhibition, Ballad to the Sleepless and Other Tired Souls, aims to build a connection to the past life of this landscape. The Swedish poet Dan Andersson in 1914 wrote the book Kolarhistorier (Charcoal stories) about the workers' life and conditions. Many of his stories contain supernatural and mysterious events in the forest. With inspiration from Anderssons texts Therese-Angelle Khachik will perform a hymn to the charcoal workers and the landscape which created them.




Photo: @annelenroe


Support: KORO

08 Mørkevandring: Tvelys - Naturkoret 

Naturkoret will in their performance Tvelys interact with the fictional fabric of the bat as a mythological entity. As magical people, they will through song and shrieks pendulate between feelings of yearning and scare, as well as attempting an empathetic reach towards the bats living in Gaustad Gruve.

Naturkoret is a performative platform, wherein choristers continuously adapt and process their relationship with and concept of nature, through acts of song, tech, magic and movement.


Mørkevandring 2.
Gaustad Grueve, Oslo(NO)
XP98+5R Oslo



Support: KORO and Nordic Culture Point 

07 Phantom Roots - Filip Vest

Phantom Roots is a performance and installation by the artist Filip Vest taking you on a journey in and outside the urban garden and cultural institution, Losæter. The work addresses the relationship between humans and plants. It is a story about interdependency and loneliness, about growing, longing, and being homesick. It revolves around a lonely gardener and a group of walking plants, ”the potted plant people”, that have come into being through a series of mysterious incidents and now inhabit the spaces as they reproduce themselves and make plan(t)s. The function of flower pots, to make plants mobile, are taken to an extreme as the plant people start walking and detach themselves from the collective mind (of the ground). But independence comes with a price... 
27.11.2021 - 28.11.2021

Losæter, Oslo(NO), @losaeter
WQ35+6C Oslo, 


Photo: @zirenia


Support: KORO

06 Tools for Two - DUODUO 

DuoDuo is a collaborative project by Asta Tutavae Iversen and Humle Rosenkvist. Our collaboration started in 2017 and we have been exploring the act of sharing since. 
In our works we use seriousness and scepticism as much as we use humour and play to elaborate new alternative sharing ideologies. In a time where we become more and more individualised, the romanticised idea of twosomeness is very present in our works. 
06.11.2021 - 07.11.2021

Sofienberg Parken and Myntegata, Oslo(NO)
WQF7+6C Oslo, WP5Q+W8 Oslo




Support: KORO and Oslo Kommune

05 Profound statement - Jo Mikkel Sjaastad Huse

Profound statement is a piece made for mobile objects that stand still for a little while, and will be shown in the charging garage for electric cars under Akershus fortress, which can be entered right by Myntgata 2. What happens when the work day is over? Deep underground something starts speaking. Every day begins and ends with the same, enveloped in sheets and duvet, battery empty or charged, we run to work to be able to repeat it tomorrow. 

The charging station under Akershus festning, Oslo(NO)



Support: KORO

04 Stille dage - Astrid Hjortdal

Vandrestaven Udstillingspunkt is pleased to announce the opening of the site specific piece and publication Stille Dage by Astrid Hjortdal. 

The piece is a selective mapping of the local area. It is an attempt to shift and reflect upon the value of various everyday situations and occurrences that happen when spending more time within a focused area.


Ullevål Hageby, Oslo(NO)
59.9457491408904, 10.735204474371796



Support: KORO

03 Mørkevandring: The Walls Resonate with a Haunting Double - Erle Saxegaard

Can the resonance of an object be understood as the life of the thing? Is it possible for humans to communicate with objects through sound and resonance? By laughing, talking or yelling, one's voice sometimes hits the right frequency that makes the walls or objects around them vibrate. As an answer to a question. Resonance is like the haunting ecco of the things.

The Dark Walk starts at Sognsvann st.and goes to Gaustad gruve. When we reach the old mine Erle Saxegaard will play a version of her soundpiece The walls Resonate with a Haunting Double. A soundwork based on sounds sampled in the iron mine of Sognsvann. 

Mørkevandring 1.
Gaustad Grueve, Oslo(NO)
XP98+5R Oslo


Photo/ video: @zirenia


Support: KORO

02 Melketann - Vilde Jensen

We invite you to eat the sun with droplets of blood and fill the darkness with porridge. 

Rituals are both an interruption in everyday life and a place one can visit again and again. Often I use elements connected to rites of passage, like a meal or a bath, as a starting point. I use these situations to create a story in which the viewer becomes an active part of the piece. Myths and fairytales connected to everyday objects as plants or cups, gives me the possibility to move these objects into a fictitious universe where everything is possible. When time rushes by and I feel like I can’t follow due to a chaos inside of me, I look toward the constant or infinite. We follow the sun, the year and the body which allows for encounters between people.

Ekebergsletten, Oslo(NO) 59°53'33.4"N 10°47'06.8"E


Photo: @zirenia


Support: KORO

01 Tides - Amanda Frøslev-Koch Nielsen

Vandrestaven Udstillingspunkt is pleased to announce the opening of the exhibition 𝙏𝙄𝘿𝙀𝙎 by Amanda Frøslev Koch-Nielsen on Thursday under the bridge by Florida (Bybane). 
The exhibition will be accessible by foot during low tide on Thursday (20.30–22.30) and Friday (09.00–11.00). During high tide Vandrestaven Udstillingspunkt recommends visiting the exhibition by sea kayak, which can be rented for free at in return for collecting waste in the waters and act against ocean pollution. 
Otherwise the exhibition can be seen from a distance on dry land until Friday. 
25.06.2020 - 26.06.2020 

Gamle Nygårdsbro, Bergen(NO)
60°22'48.9"N 5°20'04.6"E




12.05.2024 / Oslo, Norway